Operational Groups Block V: Postharvest and agri-food quality.
1. NIROLEO: Innovation in olive oil quality control in mills using NIRS sensors.
2. INNOFINO: Implementation of innovative practices to reduce the alcohol content in Andalusian biologically aged wines while preserving product quality.
4. PseudomonasOUT: Digital and technological innovation in goat milk dairies for controlling Pseudomonas.
5. OLIVE N-Ar: Inerting in the olive oil production process in mills.
6. Feasibility of over-ripening techniques for the production of new wines in the province of Cádiz INNOVAVINO.

Inmaculada Concepción Mateu Padilla
Head of the FEADER Agri-Food Aid Management and Control Service
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development